Book your taxi online to and from Schiphol!
Need a Schiphol Taxi? Calculate your price and book online. You will immediately receive a fixed price. So you know in advance what you pay. You will immediately receive a confirmation with a unique ride number with which you can change, cancel or review your reservation.
Always a fixed low price in advance
First calculate the fare yourself, if you agree you can book it immediately. You will immediately receive a confirmation.
Paying with you (credit)card is possible.
With us you can pay by card in all taxis. Of course we also accept cash.
Change or cancel online free of charge
Do you want to change the date or time? Or do you want to cancel the ride altogether. You can do this for free via your confirmation email.
Do you have a delay? No problem!
We keep an eye on your flight number. So even if you are delayed, we know exactly what time you arrive. The driver will wait for you free of charge.
Spacious taxis with a lot of space
Even if you have a lot of luggage, this is no problem at all. Our taxis can carry up to 10 large suitcases.
What others say about us...
Ger Vos
Top service, vriendelijk en behulpzaam. Stipt op tijd, ook in de holst van de nacht.
Suzanne Berlinski
Nette bus, mooi op tijd, niks op aan te merken.
Inge de Laat
Precies op tijd en een ontzettend vriendelijke en nette chauffeur.
Jeroen ter Horst
Heb afgelopen periode meerdere malen gebruik gemaakt van Brabotax. Makkelijk boeken en wijzigen via website, nette chauffeurs en zelfs ‘s ochtends vroeg stipt op tijd.
Maike van der Linden
Mooi op tijd, goede service, perfecte rit.
Laura Anthonijsz
Super ! Mooi op tijd op de heenreis. En terug werden we zelfs gebeld om te vragen hoe laat het vliegtuig landen. Vriendelijk personeel! Erg tevreden. Volgende keer weer bij dit bedrijf.
How much does a taxi Schiphol cost?
A taxi to Schiphol from Eindhoven costs €169.00. Would you like to be picked up from a different location? Which can. Depending on the number of kilometers, the price can be higher or lower. You can calculate the exact price online from your address. You indicate from which address you want to be picked up and with how many people. You will then be shown a fixed price. You can book this directly if you agree.
How can I pay?
You can pay by card in the taxi. We also accept all creditcards from Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Of course you can also pay in cash.
Taxi to Schiphol
Do you want to start your journey carefree? Then think about a taxi to Schiphol. The advantages should be clear:
- You will be dropped off punctually until the terminal*
- No more lugging heavy suitcases
- No worries about the cancellation of trains that are no longer running
- After a long journey, you no longer have to drive yourself
Did you know that a taxi to Schiphol does not have to be expensive? If you have been traveling for a few days, you will be cheaper with a taxi than if you park yourself. Curious how much it costs? Calculate your price online here!
How do I order a taxi to Schiphol?
If you agree with the price, you can book it right away. You will immediately receive a confirmation with a unique ride number. This allows you to change, track, rate and possibly cancel the trip.
The journey to Schiphol from Eindhoven takes on average 1 hour and 15 minutes. All our taxis are of course equipped with air conditioning and spacious legroom. This way you arrive as comfortably as possible. Do you have any special requests? For example, a child seat or make an extra stopover? You can also easily indicate this when you book a taxi online.
How long does the journey to Schiphol take?
From the Eindhoven area it takes an average of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Are you departing from a different location? During your reservation you will be informed in advance how long the journey to Schiphol will take from your address. Handy, right? So you know exactly for what time you have to order the taxi.
How many pieces of luggage can I take?
A standard taxi will fit 2 check in large suitcases and 2 hand luggage. Do you have more than that? Then it is useful to order a taxi bus. Also if you are with 5 or more people, you must book a taxi bus.
Special luggage
Do you have special luggage? Like a bicycle, golf bags, or other large object? Please indicate this clearly in the comment box. In many cases it is not a problem. You can just take it with you. But if you don’t mention anything, you and we will be faced with unpleasant surprises. It may be that the driver has to charge extra costs or that the luggage does not fit at all.
Taxi from Schiphol
When you order a taxi from Schiphol, you must provide your flight number in advance. We keep an eye on your flight number. Once you have landed and have all your luggage, the driver will be ready for you right on time.
Our driver will contact you by phone once you have landed. That is why we would like to ask you to switch on your phone immediately after landing. This makes it easier for you and the driver to find each other.
How do I recognize the taxi?
Approximately 20 minutes before the pick-up time, you will receive a text message with your driver’s license plate. The driver will also call you on the indicated mobile number.
My flight is delayed. What now?
No problem. You don’t have to do anything. We keep an eye on your flight number. So we can already see that you are arriving later. The driver can therefore take a break or do other work in the meantime. That is why you do not pay anything extra. Once you have landed, collected your luggage, the driver will be there for you right on time. So you can leave immediately.
Can I get a child seat?
Legally speaking, a child seat in the taxi is not mandatory. Your child can therefore simply sit on your lap. However, that is entirely the responsibility of the parents themselves. Would you like to have a child seat? Which can. You can indicate this on the order form. The surcharge for a child seat is €10.
Are you traveling from Eindhoven Airport?
Book online and take advantage of high discounts! Every day we drive many travelers to and from Eindhoven Airport. Calculate your price in advance and also book your taxi online on time.